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Exercise Type: Find the most suitable way for you

Exercise has many benefits to physical health, such as enhancing cardiopulmonary function, improving immunity, and reducing stress.Choosing the type of exercise suitable for you is very important.The following will introduce you in detail a variety of sports types to help you find the most suitable way for you.

1. Aerobic exercise

1. Running: Running is a simple and easy aerobic exercise that can exercise cardiopulmonary function, reduce weight, and improve mental health.

2. Swimming: Swimming is a systemic exercise that can exercise the whole body muscles, improve cardiopulmonary function, and reduce joint pressure.

3. Cycling: Riding a bicycle is a low impact aerobic exercise that can exercise cardiopulmonary function, thigh muscles, and improve coordination.

4. Fitness exercises: Fitness is a rhythmic aerobic exercise that can exercise the whole body muscles, improve cardiopulmonary function, and reduce stress.

5. Dance: Dance is an interesting aerobic exercise that can exercise the whole body muscles, improve coordination, and reduce stress.

II, anaerobic exercise

1. Weightlifting: Weightlifting is an anaerobic exercise that can enhance muscle strength and muscle quality. It is suitable for people who want to increase muscle strength and shape.

2. Push -ups: Push -ups are a systemic anaerobic exercise that can exercise chest, shoulders, triceps, core muscle groups, etc.

3. Squat: Squats are anaerobic exercise of legs and hip muscles exercise, which can enhance the strength of the lower limbs and improve cardiopulmonary function.

4. Treatment upward: The pull -ups are anaerobic exercise that can exercise the back, shoulders and arms muscles.

5. Tablet support: Flate support is a systemic anaerobic exercise that can exercise core muscles, backs, arms, etc.

Third, ball sports

1. Basketball: Basketball is a systemic team movement that can exercise cardiopulmonary function, coordination, response ability, etc.

2. Football: Football is a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise that can exercise cardiopulmonary function, leg strength, coordination, etc.

3. Table tennis: Table tennis is a movement of exercise reaction speed and hand -eye coordination ability.

4. Tennis: Tennis is a campaign to exercise cardiopulmonary function, coordination, and response ability.

5. Golf: Golf is a exercise that exercises the whole body muscles, improves cardiopulmonary function, and cultivates elegant temperament.

Fourth, yoga and Tai Chi

1. Yoga: Yoga is a movement that can exercise the whole body muscles, improve flexibility, balance, and cardiopulmonary function.

2. Tai Chi: Tai Chi is a movement that can exercise the whole body muscles, improve flexibility, balance, and cardiopulmonary function.

5. Other sports types

1. Hiking: Hiking is a low impact aerobic exercise that can exercise cardiopulmonary function, thigh muscles, and improve coordination.

2. Mountaineering: Mountaineering is a systemic exercise that can exercise cardiopulmonary function, thigh muscles, and improve coordination.

3. Martial arts: martial arts is a movement that can exercise the whole body muscles, improve coordination, balance, and cardiopulmonary function.

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